
The Important Questions

My husband (Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Michigan State University) asked me if there are set protocols for critiquing novels. I explained that I’ve used forms or lists of questions when preparing for critique discussions at workshops. Usually when I write up a critique, I discuss the big items: overall impression, character,… Read more »


Tell me if this sounds familiar. The young warrior/wizard/Jedi/Strega/hobbit/dragon-rider/space traveler starts out without many skills or knowhow. As the story progresses, the character acquires power and knowledge so he/she can ultimately face the Forces of Evil. The character may be given a mentor or some other protection, but that safety net can’t last throughout the… Read more »

Sticky Situations

Every writer gets stuck. Some stare at a blank screen and write nothing. Others write reams of meaningless dialogue or gigabytes of unessential internal monologue. Choose your poison. This can happen when: the writer has painted him/herself into a corner the writer doesn’t know what happens next nothing is happening in the novel events in… Read more »